Cornwall’s Corrupt Legal System.

Posted 22 August 2021

From Cornwall’s most unlawfully arrested Whistleblower.

The following is an expanded Tweet.


#Cornwallgate The offer of a Restraining Order in 2016 was made by Cornwall Council Senior Solictor for the NHS Victoria Slavin who was also one of the False Accusers in my arrest.

The offer came about after CPS Prosecutor Jill Wilson was requested by Bodmin Magistrates “to review the evidence and the charge” against me after the Magistrates had adjourned a hearing.

What Wilson discovered was that there was insufficient evidence to charge me after recorded interview so PS Innes Dowlen of Devon & Cornwall Police and Stephanie Allen of Coodes Solicitors fitted me up with a false confession.

PS Innes Dowlen had earlier falsely arrested me for the victimless crime of ‘Harassment with Violence’ and the recorded interview was later edited.

Being requested to agree to a Restraining Order, an admission of guilt, based on the same insufficient evidence was no less perverse than the false confession.

No Devon & Cornwall Police officers were investigated for perverting the course of justice and Coodes Solicitors was rewarded with over £1,000 Legal Aid from the public purse.

Corrupt CPS Prosecutor Jill Wilson was called upon again in 2018 to conduct a Trial of no legal value at Bodmin Magistrates Court by again colluding with Devon & Cornwall Police.

This was a continuation of 2015/16 and I was immediately presumed guilty because of the Restraining Order fiasco.

At the beginning of the Trial in 2018 my Court Appointed Solicitor took me aside to say he was having the Magistrate replaced because they work part time for Cornwall Council.

I will leave it to you to decide the implications of what he meant.